So Long SourceForge, and Thanks for All the Fish.

Migration to GitHub

SourceForge for years has been an excellent resource for quite a few open source projects, including yacas. Unfortunately, for some time now it kept loosing an uphill battle against GitHub.

As if the disadvantages in technical aspects and sociological trends were not enough, SourceForge recently suffered from serious trust and reliance crises. All that made me consider SourceForge more a liability than an asset and led to a decision of migrating yacas to GitHub.

Having regained access to the SourceForge repository I’ve transferred the source code and bugtracker contents over to Also, the old mailing list has been replaced by a new one. The effort paid off to some extent with free goodies like continuous integration and static code analysis.

Finally, migration triggered long overdue publication of brand new website and preliminary attempt at refurbished documentation. While both are in the pupal state, I certainly hope that they’ll be ready to replace the old ones soon.

So long SourceForge, and thanks for all the fish.